nike standing at Hamburger Bahnhof in a sick outfit

Hello World, this is Nike, a 24 year old human being. I just finished my bachelors degree in communication design atMunich University of Applied Sciences.

Throughout the past years I have developed a future oriented, yet playful and soft approach to design. Since 2020, my work has been orbiting around Mixed Reality and interactive experiences. A strong interest in sociology and the cultural impact of new tech, seen through a critical lens, is reflected throughout my work. Story first, the medium is secondary.

I like to create in more than two dimensions, and although my recent work has been mostly in the pixels, I love to get my hands dirty. Be it garden or workshop related.


  • Blender
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Lens Studio
  • Unity
  • Figma

Languages and Frameworks

  • Java Script
  • ReactJS
  • GatsbyJS
  • C#